It is true that each of us can be our own worst critic. If you are being hard on yourself these days you may need to take a step back and gaze at the wonderful person you surely are, or could be if only you would give yourself a fighting chance. In the end, you hold the key to any change you seek within yourself; no one else can do it for you. As you continue to mature and grow try some of the following tips to boost your self-confidence.You will find that you also inspire admiration in others:

Rewrite Your Resume

You do not need to fudge accomplishments or utter untruths to list a wide range of things you are capable of doing well. Sometimes it is just necessary to sit down and make a list. Remind yourself just how very valuable you are to the world. Generosity of spirit, compassion for others, a keen eye for color or a or even a steady hand with a pancake flipper are all things many people do not possess but you may. Rather than wallowing in negativity point out to yourself what you bring to your family, to a relationship, to school or to your job. Focus on the positive and think of ways to expand the spheres of these talents you already possess.

Take A Course

courseIf you really want to beef up that internal resume identify things you’d like to learn or do better than you can today. Find a way to improve your skills and capitalize on your attributes by starting school or finishing up a degree. Often forging new relationships with the teacher or other students in a class who have no preconceived notions of who you are or what you are capable of doing give you a fresh and hopeful look at yourself.

Research Or Read

Knowledge and instruction is easily available online or through books. Without any judgmental eyes watching take the time to educate yourself. Learn new skills to have a more complete understanding about how things work. Videos and tutorials can walk you through a dizzying number of tasks you may have felt unable to tackle. These can be from fixing a faucet to learning a new language. Take advantage of the wealth of information literally at your fingertips. Feel much more in control of your own destiny, and be proud of it.


volunteerA double-edged sword, volunteering is a fabulous way both to help people and causes in great need. It also builds up your own self-esteem and confidence. You gain access to groups of others and individuals who really appreciate what you are doing for them. This is a certain way to make yourself feel needed and appreciated. Surround yourself with others who are working towards the same goal, partnering on the same team, and you feel bigger and more powerful than before.

Open Your Mind And Your Heart

Right now, without you doing one single thing, there are people in your life who truly appreciate you and the mark you have made in the world. They may be friends, family or co-workers, but they exist. Seek them out and tell them how much you treasure their personalities, work and outlook on life. I promise as you compliment and acknowledge the strengths of other they will answer you by praising you for the characteristics you already exhibit. List to these beloved friends and family members and glory in the positive effect you have on others.

Stay positive and upbeat and guard against being too hard on yourself. Follow some or all of these tips and feel your self-esteem grow.

