sex fears – Love is all colors Love is all colors Fri, 31 Mar 2017 08:43:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sex fears – Love is all colors 32 32 11 Sex Fears Every Guy Has Mon, 27 Mar 2017 09:53:07 +0000 Whenever the topic is related to sex, the majority of the people, whether its a man or a woman have certain fears and insecurities hidden deep inside them. This happens…

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Whenever the topic is related to sex, the majority of the people, whether its a man or a woman have certain fears and insecurities hidden deep inside them. This happens mostly because of the lack of adequate knowledge on sex and its related issues. Sex or making love is a beautiful thing and it is the fear that can spoil all the excitement and the charm associated with it.

Men have their own insecurities with sex

It has often been found that fear completely cripples the sexual performance and hampers the beautiful moment that every couple wish to have. Men are considered to be strong, courageous and fearless. But, when it comes to sex, they too have some insecurities and fears inside, which they are hesitate to discuss with their partners.

Let us have a look at some of the common fears that every guy across the globe have in respect to sex or intercourse.

1. The fear of being a bad performer during the sexual intercourse

The majority of the guys have the belief that they can perform well during sex. But, they have an innermost fear deep inside them and are terrified that what if they are unable to perform in bed. This is one of the reasons why guys always prefer to visit the bathroom before the sexual intercourse. Condom is just an excuse that they make. Basically, they might be praying for giving their best shots.

2. Forgetting about the condom

Men don’t want any kind of mess, especially with pregnancy when they are not ready to tke any added responsibility. Moreover, having a safe sex is always better. But, often guys fear that they moght forget carrying the condom with them while spending a night with their girlfriends. Asking about it from their girls will make them appear dumb.

3. The concern of being sweaty and with bad odor

A man has to take care about his bad odor during sex  because no one like smelly and sweaty man in the bed. If you don’t want to be like a smelly and wet dog in front of your partner, you should book or visit those hotels or bars which have air conditioning and ignore the long walking before intimacy or sex.

4. Fear of rejection

Many guys fear about the rejection after having sex because they are not good during the sexual activity. They go through several questions in their mind. Are they satisfying his partner or not? Is he able to cater to the sexual needs and desires of his partner or not?

5. Mistakenly wear the wrong underwear

Picking the right underwear is the important thing at the time of sexual action. If you wear an underwear, which is in a bad condition and shows skid marks it will turn off the whole situation. In fact, even you feel ashamed or humiliated. Hence, make sure that you don’t get suppressed with the fear and make the mistake.

6. Worrying about the physical stamina

Most of the guys fear about the lack of strength and stamina during the sexual intercourse. A man is very much concerned about satisfying his partner and making her feel the pleasure. But often men fear that they won’t have the physical stamina to hold on and make his partner cum.

7. The concern of premature ejaculation

This is the main fear which most of the guys face in their daily life. It is actually a psychological problem that can arise with age of men. During sex activity, men should stay calm and strong. The premature ejaculation will make your partner unhappy and unsatisfied and hence it is required to be avoided.

8. Fear of having small size of penis

There are guys who are concerned about their small size of the penis. He often thinks what if his partner makes fun of the small penis. The feel of it makes him upset and disappointed. In fact, he also believes that the size of the penis will affect his performance in bed.

9. What if something goes wrong or happen badly

Sex is a very sensual and emotional matter or physical activity. If anything happens wrong or sometimes some embarrassing thing happens that will make the whole situation worse. If any bad things happen at the time of sex that will turn off the atmosphere.

10. Fear of becoming a laughing matter

A man is always worried about the needs of a woman. He is concerned whether he will be able to cater them or not. He wants to be really good at sex with his partner during sex activity. But if a woman feels awful and terrible in the bed, then this will become a big issue or fear for the man.

11. Fear of falling asleep  

If a guy falls asleep during his sex activity or before having sex with his partner, then he has to live with the guilt forever. This can be a shameful and embarrassing matter for him.

The above mentioned are the few concerns that men are often worried about.


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11 Sex Fears Every Woman Has Tue, 21 Mar 2017 20:42:33 +0000 As women, we seem to worry about almost everything and anything. Often some of our fears are irrational while others are real. Sex can pop up memories, emotions and sweet…

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As women, we seem to worry about almost everything and anything. Often some of our fears are irrational while others are real. Sex can pop up memories, emotions and sweet feelings, but it can also be associated with anxiety and fear. There are so many insecurities that women have in relation to sex and intercourse. The worst is that we are unable to open up and discuss about them.

The lack of discussion and proper knowledge often lead to myths about sex and we start getting scared of it. It is the fear within us, that can often make sex less enjoyable and pleasurable. Out of all the concerns and worries, the good news is that the anxiety and the fear related to sex is very common. The majority of the women have innate sex fears.

This article will reflect some of the common fears that every woman have regarding sex and intercourse.

1. Looking fat in her lingerie

This is one of the worst fears that every woman feels every time they are all set to set fire on bed. There was a time when I felt the same. I was newly married and wanted to do everything to impress my husband. Hence, I bought a few sexy lingerie to wear them at our wedding night. Though I knew my husband for so many years, but I still felt that all the fat was oozing out from our body. I didn’t feel comfortable at all. I guess looking fat  on a naked body is a major concern for every woman out there.

2. Painful sex

Around 50% of the women are worried about painful sex and this is a very common issue that is found across the globe. Since there are so many things written and told about it, that the virgins are confused and fear about experiencing a painful sex. In reality, things are not so difficult, if your partner knows about your concerns and takes care of it.

3. Not being good in bed

This is one issue that bothers women and men as well. Women are scared that if they don’t give the top notch performance in the sexual act, their partner might leave them and go to some other woman in order to satisfy their sexual needs. The reality is that everything becomes perfect with practice and the same goes with sexual intercourse. As long as you have a good communication with your partner, you have actually won half the battle.

4. Not getting an orgasm

It is said that there are many who don’t experience orgasm from the intercourse alone. Will her partner understand her sexual needs and take the extra effort to satisfy her using other means like sex toys, hands or using the tongue and bring her to orgasm?

5. Bleeding

If you are a virgin and ready to move your relationship to a new level, bleeding is one concern that bothers her. Bleeding basically occurs due to the tear of the hymen. But often when your vagina is too dry, bleeding might happen. This is nothing to worry as it can be sorted by lubrication.

6. Getting pregnant

When I got started having intercourse, I was always bothered about getting pregnant, in spite of the several protection methods undertaken. I am sure this is one fear that is a concern for every woman out there who doesn’t want to get  pregnant without planning.

7. What is the expectation of my partner?

Is your partner expecting you to perform like a porn star? This might be a reality or just your imagination. Don’t let the pressure and do something that you are not comfortable with. Are you scared that your partner be more interested in watching a porn rather than having sex with you? If required talk to your partner and get things clear.

8. What if I am not perfect?

You have to understand that sex is not something you can choreograph like in the movies. Sexual actions are natural and it is something that needs to be enjoyed and it is not perfect. Don’t let this fear get into your nerves and spoil the mood.

9. Upsetting your partner

When your partner asks you to try out something different during the intercourse, don’t take it as a criticism. Communicating with each other can help you both to discover each other’s desires and thereby you won’t have the concern of disappointing him.

10. Your partner not attracted to you

What if you get to see my stretch marks and my cellulite? Does my naked body attract him? What if he rejects me? These are some of the common fears that every woman feel and think about before sex or during the action.

11. What to do after sex?

You just had a sex with your partner. What should you do now? Should you cuddle? Should you talk to him regarding your experience or stare each other? Is it washroom times? There are so many options that can make you confused and scared as well.

Every woman undergoes such feelings related to sex. Thus, you shouldn’t worry too much. Enjoy sex as much as you can and make memories.


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