Fitness – Love is all colors Love is all colors Sat, 10 Dec 2022 08:07:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fitness – Love is all colors 32 32 Great alternatives to going to the gym Fri, 04 Dec 2020 08:55:48 +0000 Do you want great alternatives to going to the gym? Well, not everyone fancies being a gym fanatic. There are quite a number of people who find that lap to…

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Do you want great alternatives to going to the gym? Well, not everyone fancies being a gym fanatic. There are quite a number of people who find that lap to the gym just annoying. That is the reason why lots of people have gym memberships that they don’t use. That said though fashionable as having a gym membership is doesn’t mean that it is the only way to keep fit. There are lots of ways to exercise without ever seeing the inside of a gym.

So read on as we look at some gym alternatives that you can easily turn to…

Alternatives to the gym

The thing that working out is all about is just breaking a little sweat. Well, you don’t need a gym to get hot and sticky. In fact, if anything one thing one needs is the outdoors and great fresh air to be able to cool you down. And if we are to speak of the outdoors there are plenty of places you can work out that body of yours. For instance, you can do it at your back or front yard, at a footpath somewhere near your home, a local park… Those are all alternatives to my gym. If anything, I prefer working out outdoors much more than I do at the gym or indoors. So if you are like me, you have plenty of options to choose from.

With COVID-19 and all, not everyone gets to go to the gym. A lot of people have had to opt for isolation home workouts. So if you are stuck at home because of social distancing there is a lot you can do to also give you that gym destruction. You can still find ways to break a little sweat. Much as people are not moving around freely doesn’t mean that you can’t still be creative.

Well, here some of the best working out activities that you can choose from for that great body.

1. Running

The good thing about running is that you can do it anywhere. You can also choose how to do it. You can do it fast or slow. You are in full control of your movement. Plus, with COVID running is a great way to run the hell away from people. This is one of the alternatives to going to the gym.

Running has very good health benefits besides toning your muscles and burning fat. Running increases lung function. Plus, it can also help boost your immune system and also control one level of cholesterol. The other benefits besides helping one burn off the calories is that it can also be a great stress reliever.

This is one of the great don’t like the gym want to get fit alternatives that are out there. Running can be done anywhere. All you need s just your running gear and off you go.

2. Cycling

Just like running, cycling is also one of the other alternatives to my gym. You can do it at your own speed and can be done at any time and anywhere. So if you don’t want to cycle outdoors you can still do your cycling indoors by getting one of those home bikes. It can be done as part of your home exercises. Otherwise, if you are an outdoor lover, all you need is that outdoor bike to cycle one.

The good this about cycling is that you can do the exercising while you run your errands. So you can kill two birds with one stone.

There are lots of health benefits to cycling. Just like running, cycling can lead to better lung function, reduce risks of heart disease, it can improve your mental wellbeing, and burn that fat and those calories that you want gone to go. Do you know how many calories you can burn just by cycling for one hour? Between 400 and 1,000 calories an hour. This is all dependent on your pedaling speed as well as your weight.

3. Walking

Walking is also another way that one can burn some fat. What you need to know is that the walking needs to be brisk enough to get your heart rate up. This is one of the don’t like the gym want to get fit exercises to consider. Plus walking is very simple and very free. Daily brisk walks can really help you burn fat as well as make your heart become much healthier. Plus it can add to the weekly recommended exercise of 150 minutes.

Now if you have a dog, walking your dog will also count as some great alternatives to the gym. So if you hate going for your walks alone, you can take your pack with you. Plus you can also join some walking groups within your area.

4. Hiking

Hiking is another one of the gym alternatives. Plus, there is no better way to enjoy and get closer to nature than taking a hike. You get to also appreciate the landscape and the world around you. Some of the benefits of hiking are helping one lose weight, increases muscle strength, it takes care of the cardio levels, and can also improve one’s sleep quality.

One good thing is that you can go hiking as a group or even do it as a way to get closer to your special someone. You can take that hike, camp together, and climb down the following day. If you are in a hiking group, it can be a great way to network and connect with a hiking group. Plus, f you are single, you could meet someone that way.

5. Gardening

I can’t believe that I am adding this one to the list of alternatives to going to the gym. But apparently, gardening can be an exercise too. You don’t need mountains to climb or run laps. You can just burn calories by engaging in your normal day-to-day activities. Can you believe that you can actually burn about 300 calories an hour just through gardening?

Simple gardening activities such as lawing the mow by pushing the lawnmower backward and forwards can sure burn some calories and also help you build some muscles. Raking, weeding, and digging count as exercises too. So get out there and give your lawn some food manicuring.

6. Taking deep breaths

One of the isolation home workouts that can strengthen your lungs is taking deep, big, full breaths. Deep breathing is important before you begin any home exercises. The good thing about this particular exercise is that it can be done anytime, anywhere even if you have little time for exercising. Take a deep breath into your belly. Then do the same with the chest. Next, exhale from the chest and then the belly. If you are new to working out, start with 10 reps, and then work your way up to 30.

7. Yoga

If you don’t really want to break some sweat, then you can opt for yoga and still burn those calories. Depending on the type of yoga exercise, one can burn up to 460 calories through yoga. The good thing about yoga is that it is suitable for people of all ages. Plus can you imagine the kind of core strength and flexibility in bed can give you. Yoga also improves one’s balance.

8. Indoor circuits

Circuits don’t necessarily have to be done in the gym. Home circuit training is one of the great alternatives to going to the gym. All you need is just some space and you can do a variety of exercises at home like push-ups, starjumps, planks, lunges, lifting some small dumbbells. You can burn lots and lots of calories just by moving around the house and doing some of these exercises.

The thing is, whether done indoors or outdoors, there are lots more alternatives besides going to the gym. So all you need to worry about if you are an outdoorsy person is the weather. That said, I am sure the indoor alternatives that we have provided for you here will do you just fine. So you have no excuse not exercising. So get off your couch and get moving that body.

For more articles on exercising visit Love is All Colors.

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Home workouts while in isolation Tue, 29 Sep 2020 12:03:20 +0000 Are you stuck at home because of social distancing and wondering what isolation home workouts there are that can benefit you as you stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic? There…

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Are you stuck at home because of social distancing and wondering what isolation home workouts there are that can benefit you as you stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic? There is nothing as bad as cabin fever when you have nothing to do and nowhere to let out that extra energy that you have. I am sure you have pretty much exhausted. The thing is the cabs and sweet nothings that you have packing in need to be shed.

So, what do you do when your usual gym distraction is no longer available? Read on and find out…

Best isolation workouts

Now, just because you can’t physically go to your normal yoga class or gym doesn’t mean that there are no other ways to break a little sweat. You may have lost the freedom to move around but one thing you haven’t lost is a little creativity. You can come up with a coronavirus home workout plan.

There are lots of advantages to having a home exercise program. Luckily, there are lots of things you can improvise at home that can help you stay fit while in isolation. Some of the health benefits of exercise are that its paramount for cardiovascular health and also strengthens the lungs as well as the heart. When these organs are in tip-top condition, they improve blood and oxygen circulation to the whole body. The brain function improves, depression can be reduced, your body becomes stronger and healthier.

Here is a guide on working out during covid19 and some of the great exercises you can incorporate in your workout plan. These are the best lockdown workouts because these exercises can be done without someone using any equipment. These exercises should not cause any pain to you at all. So, if you experience any form of discomfort, let your judgment guide you. You can either choose to take it a notch down or ignore the entire exercise that is causing you pain.

Taking deep breaths

One of the isolation home workouts that can strengthen your lungs is taking deep, big, full breaths. The deep breathing is important before you begin these coronavirus home workout exercises. The good thing about this particular exercise is that it can be done anytime, anywhere even if you have little time for exercising. Take a deep breath into your belly. Then do the same with the chest. Next, exhale from the chest and then the belly. If you are new to working out, start with 10 reps, and then work your way up to 30.

Jumping jacks

jumping jacks

Jumping jacks is one of the classic and best lockdown workouts whenever you need that quick cardiovascular workout. No equipment is needed. Just you. So, if you are stuck indoors and can’t hit the gym, then this one is perfect. Here is how you go about it.

Start from standing position. Next, jump with your arms raised above your head. Make sure that when you land, you land with your feet wider than the width of your shoulders. As a bonus, let your hands touch each other above your head or clap to give you that extra oomph.

Jump again and return to the initial position, landing with your feet together. This time, your arms will be by your sides. Do between 10 to 30 reps depending on your level of fitness. So, if you are a beginner, go easy on yourself. If you run out of breath just know that it is normal. Stop if your blood pressure suddenly changes or if you start feeling a little light-headed and dizzy. Always work with a rhythm of breathing that works for you.



Squats are another simple and effective isolation exercises for fitness which helps keep the legs strong. They also help maintain the mobility of the hip, ankle, and knee. When doing your isolation exercises for fitness, this is one of the exercises that is perfect because you can vary it by using the various furniture that you have in your house.

Make sure that your core is engaged and that most of your weight is in your heels. This will help keep you grounded and balanced. You can spread your knees apart and make sure they are pointing forward as you descend towards the floor. Also, push them forward and always look straight ahead to maintain the spine alignment.

When ascending from the bottom position, squeeze the knees inwards. Start easy with 10 if you have not been active enough and work your way up when you start getting more comfortable with these exercises.

There is a variation for beginners. This is where you use furniture to give you some support for those who have less strength to go all the way down. You can put a chair behind you then you squat to the level of the chair sitting area.



Push-ups are one of the upper body pressing isolation home workouts which somehow requires the whole body to be incorporated for control and balance to be achieved when working out.

Engage your core when beginning with your hands apart – a bit wider than the width of the shoulders. As you descend, squeeze the shoulder blades together, like they are meant to meet at the spine.

As you come up, let the blades move away from the spine… farther apart. Make sure your hips and the spine are aligned. Do 5 to 15 reps. As you exercise when locked down listen to your body. Let the number of reps you do be determined by what your body is telling you. The number of reps isn’t important. What’s important is that you maintain good form. Add more reps only if you can do so with great form.

There are variations to push-ups.

#1. Instead of doing the push-ups with your toes on the ground, do them with your knees on the ground. To protect your knees from hurting or getting bruised, place some padding for comfort.

knee push-ups

#2. The good thing with working out during covid19 is that you can use your home furniture for support. So, for this variation, do the push-ups by putting your hands on a chair or couch for support. Make sure that the furniture you opt for is sturdy and stable. At this angle, the weight on the upper body is reduced making it easier to exercise.

chair push-ups



Lunges are not only the best isolation workouts strengthening your legs but also helps in making one’s mobility and balance better. They are very simple to do.

First off, make a big step forward and make sure that your core is engaged. Bend your forward knees as further in front as you can. Make sure that your front heel remains grounded at all times. As you do this, also lower your hips as far down as you can without allowing your rare knee to touch the ground. Use the heel of your front foot to get back up to where you started – standing position. Repeat. This time, the rare foot comes in front and the front one behind.

If you are looking for isolation home workouts for strengthening your butt muscles as well as the muscles at the fronts and backs of your thighs, then lunges are your to-go exercise of choice. Do 5 to 15 reps for each side. Do the number of reps you are comfortable with. Remember to inhale when you take a step forward and to exhale when you take one back.

It is important to stay healthy and exercise when locked down. That said though, you will get better results if you also take care of your mental health too. Eat healthily and get enough sleep.

Don’t forget to stop at Love is All Colors to see more of our fitness articles.

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The Importance of Cardio and Its Benefits Tue, 28 Apr 2020 19:24:31 +0000 We are constantly reminded of the importance of cardio and the benefits of cardio for our bodies. is cardio necessary for health? Read on and find out all you need…

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We are constantly reminded of the importance of cardio and the benefits of cardio for our bodies. is cardio necessary for health? Read on and find out all you need to know about cardio goodness…

What does cardio do for you?

What is cardio?

Also known as cardiovascular exercises, these are rhythmic activities that increase one’s breathing rate as well as heart rate. Cardio is probably the first word you will hear whenever you enroll in an exercise program. These exercises are essential for any workout program, be it weight loss, fitness, or just a simple home exercise program to help you become healthier.

These exercises normally increase one’s endurance because the idea behind them is to push yourself to the point of almost running out of breath… the point where one can burn the most calories and fat. They raise out cardiorespiratory endurance. Even weight loss cardio routines that are as short as 10 minutes contribute to the health benefits associated with accrued amounts of physical activity.

Such exercises include (but aren’t limited to) walking, jogging, running, aerobics, cycling, swimming, playing soccer, even heavy gardening… Basically, any activity that gets your blood pumping.

Keep reading as we learn about the importance of cardio and tips on how to successfully integrate them into your workout routine.

Benefits of cardio

No matter how short a time you dedicate to weight loss cardio routines, here are some of the reasons why is cardio good for you.

Burns fat and calories for weight loss

A cardio routine helps one lose weight because it helps our bodies to burn more calories and boost metabolism. Fitness gurus all the world over have testified about the power of cardio in helping people shed fat as well as keeping it off.

If you really want to feel the maximum effects of cardio exercise, do a cardio routine 5 times a week. You will get better and faster results when you work out more often. Don’t overdo it. Consistency is more important than the quantity of exercises. So you will get better results with a daily 15-minute workout 5 times a week than with a 75-minute one done once a week.

Improves cardiovascular health

Why is cardio important? The American Heart Association has the answer for you. These exercises strengthen the heart’s endurance so that it’s not overworked when performing its usual function of pumping the blood. Doctors recommend cardio workouts because they reduce the risk of heart disease by improving the heart’s efficiency.

These exercises also help lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels hence increasing good cholesterol levels. This helps manage symptoms of high blood pressure as blood circulation improves.

Reduces stress

If you are still wondering why is cardio good for you, these exercises are a great mood booster. They even significantly reduce the symptoms of depression. Studies can back this up. Engaging in cardiovascular exercises, even for a short period of time can really have a positive effect on a person’s moods hence reducing one’s stress levels. Do you want to know how amazingly fast exercises work on a person’s mood? You don’t need a week to see improvements. A single session is a good enough mood booster.

Better sleep

Trouble sleeping at night? Do some cardio during the hours when you are awake. Regular exercise is an effective remedy for insomnia. Related to the mood-boosting benefit above, it seems that better mood = better sleep, both in quality and duration. This also increases one’s vitality and wakefulness during the daytime.

A small word of caution: Don’t exercise just before bedtime as it might make it much harder to sleep. Ensure that you complete your workout, at least two hours before getting into bed in order to improve your sleep efficiency.

Better sex

Still wondering what does cardio do for you? Well, this one should give you the necessary motivation to take the stairs. There is lots of research that supports the relationship between exercise and sex. Sex boosts desire, arousal as well as overall sexual satisfaction. Regular cardio exercise is a known aphrodisiac. Here is how cardio helps improve your sex life:

  • It makes you look and feel sexy and sexually desirable
  • It gets you in shape hence helping you perform better
  • Better mood = better hotter sex
  • Improves blood circulation hence the sexual response which means more intense orgasms.
  • Increases one’s strength and flexibility hence better sex positions

Strengthens immune system

Is cardio necessary for health? Regular and moderate cardio exercises normally increase antibodies in our bodies called immunoglobulins. This is because, increased heartrate widens the blood vessels, also allowing for better flow of these antibodies that fight off viruses and infections in our bodies. This means a stronger immune system and higher cortisol levels.

Better brain function

At the age of 30, our brains tend to lose some of its tissue. The importance of cardio is that it slows down this loss hence improving brainpower.

The thing is: the brain needs constant flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients just as much as the rest of your body does to function. Increase blood and oxygen flow to the brain through exercise stimulates the creation of more neurons in the brain. Neurons on the other hand receive and send signals that dictate all functions of our bodies as well as the thought process. The more the neurons, the better the brain function.

Besides that the other aspect that the brain benefits from exercise is the improvement of both the short and long term memory. Cardiovascular exercise could just be the thing preventing you from developing conditions like Alzheimer’s or Huntington’s or slowing down the dentrimental effects of these diseases.

This means that aerobics or a little jogging is good for both body and mind.

Strengthens the lungs

This is another great benefit of regular cardiovascular exercises. They aid in maintaining an efficient breathing system. People with asthma have found engaging in simple cardio to ease a lot of congestion. Stronger lungs also increase physical performance because muscles need oxygen to function optimally. Working out helps promotes the production of more alveoli which absorb oxygen.

When the lungs are in tip top condition they also prevent respiratory conditions. It also makes performing cardio activities like climbing a flight of stairs less tedious.

Increased Confidence

The importance of cardio is that it also boosts one’s self-esteem. First off, exercising makes one healthier. And feeling healthy makes one feel better generally. Besides that, exercises also improve a person’s appearance hence increasing confidence in how one looks.

Reduces the risk of contracting some chronic diseases

Cardio exercises help prevent the risk of heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even some forms of cancer.

Which cardio is best?

What you really need to concern yourself with is why is cardio important. The thing is, the best cardio routine is the one that you enjoy the most or something you can tolerate. This is because you will feel more motivated to keep at it. The thing is any physical activity that can get that heart rate pumping is perfect. Even vigorous chores washing the car or raking leaves make the cut. Try and vary your activities and cardio routines so that you don’t get bored too easily.

The choices are many. If you are new to all this and have no idea what works for you, try out various activities.

The other thing you need to worry about is what is accessible to you. Chooses a routine that fits your personality as well as your lifestyle. For instance, if you have no treadmill, opt for a brisk walk. If you love the outdoors, then opt for things like running, cycling, and exercises along those lines. If you have a busy work schedule, break a little sweat while catching up on your favorite TV program.

Now you see? You have absolutely no excuse as to why you can’t get that blood pumping and the heart rate up. It can be as easy and as quick as you want it to be.

Is cardio necessary for health?

Yes. The good thing is that you don’t have to strain yourself with a whole hour of high-intensity workouts. The effects of cardio exercise can be felt even with a short episode of activity. Something as simple as a 15-minute brisk walk can really go a long way into boosting your mood as well as lowering blood pressure.

Even with a tight schedule, having seen the importance of cardio highlighted above should give you the motivation to squeeze in a few minutes every day. Just a few minutes of cardio a day is better than zero. So what are you waiting for?

All you need to succeed with your cardio routine is determination and consistency. You don’t need fancy equipment or gym enrolment. Just find something that you love doing that is accessible to you and get on with it. As I said, all you need is just a few minutes…

For more fitness advice, visit Love is All Colors.

The post The Importance of Cardio and Its Benefits appeared first on Love is all colors.

The best cheat day meal ideas Fri, 06 Mar 2020 13:01:04 +0000 Looking for cheat day meal ideas that you can squeeze into any fitness plan? Isn’t it nice to hear that every once in a while, you can still enjoy some…

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Looking for cheat day meal ideas that you can squeeze into any fitness plan? Isn’t it nice to hear that every once in a while, you can still enjoy some of those comfort meals you loved without sabotaging weight loss efforts? The thing is, much as successful weigh loss means cutting down on fats, carbs and calories, doesn’t really mean that you cut the flavor too. All it means is just substituting some foods and using with healthier ingredients that can please your palate and satisfy your cravings.

Intrigued. Well read on and discover some meals that you can spoil yourself with and still maintain your health and fitness success.

Cheat day ideas that will leave you feeling great!

We have heard it being recited over and over again – a healthy diet is crucial for weight loss. But recently, adding a “cheat meal” to your fitness and diet plan seems to be gaining popularity.

So what are these cheat meals or cheat days?

First  off, whenever we hear the phrase “cheat meals” we automatically assume that these are foods and snacks that are bad for our health and weight loss efforts. Well, I will have you know that cheat meals don’t have to sabotage your health. Even the candid and professional nutritionists agree that every once in a while, having a cheat meal is just fine.

Cheat days or cheat meals is when a dieter or someone who maintains a strict meal plan gives themselves permission to break the dietary rules for a day and indulge in some comfort foods but in a calculated and conscious manner. The strategy behind these cheat days is to  actually repress the cravings that usually make us backslide and get the feeling of satisfaction. A cheat day is designed to ward off feelings of deprivation. This makes it more likely to maintain when they allow themselves and squeeze in a guilt-free cheat day.

Here are effective cheat day ideas you should consider to help you incorporate awesome home recipes into your diet plan, that will leave you feeling guilt free at the same time maximize your weight loss benefits…

Make plan to cheat on your diet

One of the ways to stay in control of cheating on your diet is strategy. Planning for the cheat is one of the most essential parts of cheat day meal ideas. A simple once a week diversion to the diet should do the trick. The idea is not to do it when you are alone. A good tip is to plan your cheat day on week days or when there is a social event with family and friends so that you don’t start feeling jealous of them for enjoying their feast (the constant jealousy will make you start hating your diet.

Never cheat on an empty stomach

Even if you have planned the healthiest best cheat day meals, we tend to overeat when we are hungry. Please avoid putting yourself in such a situation. The same thing goes for starving yourself or reducing calorie intake on the eve of the cheat day to make room in their stomachs to accommodate their best cheat day meals as much as can take in. Well, doing this is detrimental to your health.

Workout before cheating

This is a better way to burn calories as opposed to starving yourself a day before cheat day. Hit the gym before  having your best cheat day snacks. This minimizes gaining fat from your comfort meals. The other trick is to have coffee before the workout to boost your fat metabolism.

Do it in moderation

Just because you have been good the other days watching day doesn’t give you the right to binge eat everything or throw away all your healthy eating rules down the drain on your cheat day. Just do it in moderation. You will still get another cheat day the following week. The thing is, you can actually sabotage all your efforts and getting in shape hard work just by cheating too big and too often.

Plan what you’ll eat beforehand

If you are making the meal yourself, decide what you will eat then plan your cheat meal recipes. Making your own meals is usually a better way of cheating on a diet as you have control of what  ingredients to use. But if on the other hand you find yourself ‘cheating’ at a restaurant, don’t let the elaborate menu overwhelm you. Decide what you are going to eat and stick with it. Have the meal in your mind before the waiter takes your order and avoid all the fancy things they might throw at you.

Order or drink a few rounds of water

First off, you can’t be in control of what the restaurants offer. Their foods tend to be high in sodium. So this might leave you feeling bloated. Drinking a few glasses of water before your meal is one of the best cheat day meal ideas you will ever hear. Besides preventing boating, having water also prevents one from overeating. Have water after the meal and the first thing the following morning.

Devour your meal

Savor every bite your meals or  best cheat day snacks as much as you can. The more you enjoy and appreciate every bite the more satisfied you will afterwords hence preventing you from overeating.

Let the cheat meal be rich in nutrients

Just because its your cheat day doesn’t mean you eat foods with empty calories. Go for foods with some nutritional value. Always remember even on cheat days, you are still trying to lose weight. 

Now that you have enjoyed your guilt-free cheating, get back to your healthy diet plan the very next day.

Check out more health and fitness articles on Love is All Colors.

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How Exercise and Fitness can help your Sex life Mon, 03 Feb 2020 10:36:26 +0000 There has been a growing body of research that supports the positive connection between exercise and sex. Well, we will have you know that regular exercise not only reduces the…

The post How Exercise and Fitness can help your Sex life appeared first on Love is all colors.


There has been a growing body of research that supports the positive connection between exercise and sex. Well, we will have you know that regular exercise not only reduces the risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes, boost memory or manage one’s weight, it can also have a surprisingly positive effect on your sex life – boosting desire, arousal, and overall sexual satisfaction. Love is All Colors gives you reasons to break that sweat. Read on…

How does working out increase sex drive?

Well, don’t you agree that this is the perfect reason to hit the gym or move around a little? Regular exercise is a known aphrodisiac for both women and men. So how does exercise help sexually? Here’s what they say…

Exercise makes one look and feel sexy

The thing is, regular exercise usually makes people feel great about themselves. Imagine beginning some regular exercise then you realize that it is actually working. Or looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking “Damn I am sexy” just because all that working out has paid off.

A boost in self-confidence and self-esteem translates to confidence in the bedroom. That is one of the ways that sex and fitness are connected. Working out regularly boosts self-esteem. So the more you like how you look the more you will want to flaunt it to your partner. When you are more positive about your body image and you feel sexy and sexually desirable, you more likely to shed those clothes off and have sex. Plus sexual desirability leads to hotter sex.

Exercise improves sexual performance

The thing is when you are in shape, any physical activity, sex included, will be performed better. And the more sex you have (also a physical activity), the better you will get at it. The thing is, sex and fitness go hand in hand. Plus, more frequent sex = more frequent exercises too.

Now according to one study, there is a great correlation between sex drive and exercise. Men had increased sex drive through exercise and frequently participated in various intimate activities, enhanced their reliability of adequately performing during sex and the rate of satisfying orgasms. Also, the men who increased their fitness levels also saw a significant improvement in their sex lives.

As for women, working out increases physiological sexual arousal and sexual desire. So after exercising, women are highly likely to get turned on than those who haven’t exercised. Exercise increases vaginal blood flow.

Does exercising increase sex drive? Yes, it does. And this also helps with sexual performance. The reasoning behind it is that regular workouts increase heart rate, help with breathing and increases muscle activity thereby enhancing sexual performance and sexual satisfaction. Strength training increases levels of testosterone, which can boost sex drive in both men and women. So this basically means, the more you exercise, the better your sex that. Wanna hit that gym now?

Exercise reduces stress

Does exercise increase libido? The thing with stress is that it can sabotage one’s libido. The thing is, the hormone cortisol which is produced when one is stressed decreases one’s interest in sex. Exercise, on the other hand, reduces stress levels. Breaking a little sweat or doing some fitness boosts the production of hormone endorphins which can be a good mood booster.  That means one can get increased sex drive through exercise

Who doesn’t need that feel-good vibe? Plus a better mood = more hotter sex. So if you work out more, you might realize that you want to have sex more…

Exercise improves blood circulation hence the sexual response

People who do cardio exercises like walking, swimming, jogging or biking have an advantage when it comes to getting it on. Improved blood circulation is a key factor when it comes to sexual response. One study equated regular exercise to Viagra. Exercise actually reduced the risk of erectile dysfunction in middle-aged men because it increases blood flow. Sex is an activity that involves the entire body. So get that blood pumping to have your blood vessels and nerves at peak levels. Does exercising increase sex drive in women and blood circulation? When it comes to blood circulation, exercise and sex drive go together. Plus great circulation to the vagina and clitoris means quicker and more intense orgasms.

Exercise increases one’s strength and flexibility hence better sex positions

A simple exercise like yoga does enhance a person’s flexibility. It can make one more acrobatic. And the more acrobatic you are the stronger and more flexible you will be when it comes to trying out different sexual positions in the bedroom. You need body strength to be able to sustain certain sexual moves. So well-toned muscles will definitely come in handy. So consider some strength training exercises. Apparently, when talking exercise and sex drive, weightlifting also does increase libido. So you will get greater strength, flexibility, and stamina from working out.

Word of caution: Do not over-train

Does working out increase sex drive? Much as exercise and sex go hand in hand positively, a recent study shows that very vigorous regular exercise can also lower one’s libido. See, this is because physical exhaustion leads to stress. And that is not a good thing because exhaustion will affect your sexual performance.

Unless you are an athlete who has to push himself or herself to the maximum with limited recovery, then you need not worry yourself about this. A little exercise will help you perform at optimal levels.

Conclusion: Give your body some tough love and get better loving in return

If you want more feel-good sex, then you better think about burning those calories. Not by having more sex. You got to do it by moving around. The thing is, when exercising, the body engages similar body functions that are required to feel aroused. Just like when working out in the gym, blood pressure and flow, breathing rate, heart rate as well as your muscles are engaged during sex. Get where I am going with this?

Well, if you need to increase your bodily sensations in the bedroom then exercise a little. Concentrate on exercises that make you have a stronger core, stronger pelvic flow as well as those that work on the arm and leg muscles. When these muscles are stronger – particularly the pelvic floor ones, you are definitely going to have more intense and more frequent orgasms.

The other thing to consider when looking at sex drive and exercise is that the effects depend on one’s age and physical condition. So it pays to stick to a regular exercise program if you want to achieve long-term benefits to your sex life. So if you want results, you need to be consistent.

Does sex count as exercise? Not really because the intensity and length of lovemaking vary among different people. Now, if you are young, you’ll probably be burning 3 to 4 calories per minute. Compared to walking and tennis, this level of intensity is moderate. For most people, sex doesn’t last as long. When we compare a 30-minute sex session to a 30-minute moderate treadmill workout, you will burn 3 times more calories on the treadmill. However, sex was rated as a more enjoyable activity 😉 Now you have a good reason to hit the gym.

Did you find this article intriguing? Well, there is more where that came from. Once you start getting your workout on, how about reading some interesting articles about favorite sex positions for different zodiac signs and try out a few…

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How to have a fit pregnancy Sat, 15 Jun 2019 10:40:06 +0000 If you want to have a fit pregnancy, exercises are important during pregnancy. Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean that you are too fragile to stay fit. The more…

The post How to have a fit pregnancy appeared first on Love is all colors.


If you want to have a fit pregnancy, exercises are important during pregnancy. Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean that you are too fragile to stay fit. The more you exercise during pregnancy, the faster you will shed off that baby weight and the faster your recovery will be after giving birth. Plus, most women who exercise during pregnancy increase their chances of having a natural childbirth and also find it easier when giving birth.

Love is all colors brings you our selection of fit pregnancy workout plans to help you get started. Scroll on…

How to stay fit during pregnancy

Staying fit during pregnancy is something that some women might find it challenging especially those who have health complications. But if your health isn’t in jeopardy then a little exercise is important. If you used to workout before getting pregnant, you have no reason to stop.

Before you choose your workout routine, you need to consider your level of fitness and the trimester.  Yes, there are some workouts that are too vigorous and might put you at the risk of getting a miscarriage. So if you feel that something isn’t comfortable, feel free to try out something else. Don’t worry. We are here to guide you on what pregnancy workouts are safe for you.

Benefits of exercise during pregnancy

We understand that your body is going through a lot of physical changes. And gathering the energy to hit the gym can present a challenge. However, if you do, your body will thank you for the effort. There are a lot of benefits to regular exercise during pregnancy. Here is a list of the payoff you will get from it.

  • Better sleep
  • Less constipation
  • Minimizes aches
  • Exercises will reduce the risk of getting gestational diabetes
  • Improves mood
  • Might make your labor shorter and less complicated
  • You will get your body back faster after birth
  • Fit pregnancy and baby

If you are wondering about how to stay fit during pregnancy, here are some of the workouts modified for pregnant women. You can also find fit pregnancy diet on the internet to combine with your workouts.


It is important to get your heart rate up during pregnancy. And what better way to do this than engaging in little cardio workouts? For those who never used to stay fit before pregnancy, now is the time to start. Staying fit during pregnancy can be something as simple as walking for thirty minutes at least thrice a week.

Walking on the treadmill is perfect because it can be controlled. You could also run. However, as you grow bigger, pay attention to what your body is telling you. Know when its time to switch to walking.

The stationary bike is also something to consider. Most pregnant women recommend the recumbent bike because it offers great back support. This is perfect during the first two trimesters. As the belly grows bigger in the third trimester it might present a challenge.


Yoga strengthens the core of a pregnant woman. Because of the gentle movements, the breathing, and meditation, most pregnant women find this exercise very calming. Go easy on the twists and the movements that put pressure on your belly during the second trimester.

Strength workouts

As a pregnant woman, it is allowed to do low to moderate intensity strength workouts. Push-ups, squats, even free body weights are safe. You can also do abs exercise while standing.

Kegel exercise counts

You need to strengthen your pelvic flow muscles. Kegel Exercisers are a way to do it! These offer a lot of support to the uterus, bowels and most importantly the bladder. Toning them reduces leakage of urine and hemorrhoids which most women are prone to in the third trimester. Plus, you will have better bladder control and vaginal control during sex after giving birth.

Workouts to avoid during pregnancy

  • Avoid workouts that can cause trauma to your pregnant belly such as horse riding or scuba diving.
  • During the third trimester, avoid exercise that requires you to lie flat on your back for long periods of time as the baby can push down the veins needed to supply blood to the baby hence reducing blood flow.

Remember pregnancy isn’t the time to push yourself to the limits. So if you feel like you are tiring faster, take a breather. Find an instructor who can alter your fit pregnancy week by week workouts as you grow bigger. You can also read some fit mom to be workout reviews and what other pregnant moms have recommended. Something as simple as taking walks in the evening works. So unless it is the doctor’s recommendations for you not to exercise, then consider the above pregnancy workouts that we have recommended.

Read this article about one woman’s experience with the stages of a pregnant belly.

The post How to have a fit pregnancy appeared first on Love is all colors.

A home exercise program for busy people Sat, 11 May 2019 07:46:42 +0000 Finding time to squeeze in a home exercise program can be hard especially if you lead a busy life can be hard. However, that should not be an excuse not…

The post A home exercise program for busy people appeared first on Love is all colors.


Finding time to squeeze in a home exercise program can be hard especially if you lead a busy life can be hard. However, that should not be an excuse not to stay healthy. Don’t use the excuse of not having time to hit the gym. No matter how busy you are, you can always find at least 20 minutes of your time to work out at home daily. It might seem impossible but there are a lot of people who have managed.

Wondering how to exercise at home without equipment? Well, today, you are in luck. Read on and find out some simple home exercises to lose weight…

How you can get fit at home

Now we understand that you have a  busy schedule. And may be, you just want to spend the little time you have on your hands to unwind. The thing is, exercising can be a great way to unwind and get fit while at it.

You might be having the notion that it is hard to exercise daily. But seeing as the time you need to commit to these exercises is small, it is easier than you can imagine. All you need is some discipline and dedication and before you know it, excersing daily becomes a habit. Plus, I promise that these workouts we bring you today won’t eat into your free time. They are meant to blend into your busy schedule. These can be done just before bed, immediately you get out of bed or even when you are watching TV.

Before getting out of bed exercises

These are some of the best beginner workout at home without equipment exercises. You can practically do these from your bed. First off are the easy stretches that you can do while still in bed. Then there are a few lunges and push ups which are great full body workout for women and men. How’s that for a great home exercise program? All you need is 10 minutes of your time. If you want it you can have it.

Workouts you can do at your desk

This is another beginner workout at home without equipment if you work at home. However, that is not to say that these can’t be done at your office desk. These simple stretches are a great full body workout for women and men alike. Trust me, after a long day of sitting, this workout routine will ease the stiffness and leave you feeling great. See how easy this is? To add on to the work out you did before getting out of bed, you got yourself a whooping 20 minutes.

Break a sweat while catching up on your favorite TV program

Squeezing in time for exercise at home for women and exercise at home for men can be this easy. When they take a commercial break, get off that couch and break a little sweat. Some of the exercises you can do are squats, mountain climbers, push-ups and burpees. And these can even be done in less than 5 minutes. Now you see? You have absolutely no excuse as to why you can’t have a home exercise program. It can be as easy and as quick as you want it to be.

Cardio exercise at home for beginners

You don’t need the gym to break a little sweat. You don’t even need any workout equipment at home to do some great cardio moves. All you need is the will to do it. You can do some jump squats, high knees, jumping jacks, jogging on the spot. All these are great cardio workouts. Check out the video for some which you can do while you are waiting for that food of yours to get ready.

Always take the stairs

Wherever you are, if you get the option of taking the stairs, forget the lift or escalator. This is one of the easist ways to stay fit even without putting some thought it. This is a great regular exercise. If you feel that maybe the floor you work on is too high, exit the elevator a few floors before your own and keep adding a floor a day.

Last words

People fail at exercising because they like complicating things. They go for fitness plans which are unrealstic. So after a few tries, they lose hope. You need a workout plan that us sustainable and one that works for you. Sometimes, going to the gym can be depressing. You see people lifting heavy weights or doing more than you can hack and you get depressed. If you are that kind of person, then the above workouts are for you. No more excuses for not staying fit.

For more fitness articles, visit Love is all colors.

The post A home exercise program for busy people appeared first on Love is all colors.

Discover What Causes Love Handles And Three Ways To Deal With It! Thu, 03 Jan 2019 05:17:29 +0000 What causes love handles? Let us get one thing straight – most people hate love handles no matter how sexy the name sounds. While they are so easy to gain,…

The post Discover What Causes Love Handles And Three Ways To Deal With It! appeared first on Love is all colors.


What causes love handles? Let us get one thing straight – most people hate love handles no matter how sexy the name sounds. While they are so easy to gain, they are difficult to get rid of. And this can be quite frustrating for people who are trying to get rid of fat around the waistline. When researching on how to get rid of love handles women and men alike are realizing that they are mostly the last and sometimes the hardest to burn.

Read on and discover what love handles really mean, what causes love handles and how to get rid of them. Find out on Love is All Colors, what might be holding you back from losing them and how to lose the extra fat in order to get that sexy body you have always wanted.

What do love handles mean?

To use simple words, love handles mean the fatty bulges that extend on the sides of the body at a person’s waistline. These are excess fatty deposits that accumulate on the sides of our abdominal areas. Love handles do not happen overnight. They develop over time. The fat just sits there and resists the workouts you do especially if you are not keen on figuring out what might have caused them.

Whether you are proud of your love handles or you hate them with all your gut, they are real. While some people are willing to accommodate them, they are the reason most people aren’t comfortable wearing fitting clothes. Fitting clothes aside, one of the main reasons you need to prioritize getting rid of them is your health first.

Why Do You Have Love Handles?

“Why do I have love handles?” “What causes love handles?” These are some of the questions that will be addressed as we move along.

When you eat foods that are high in fat, sugar or foods that have high calories, you are prone to develop love handles over time. This is because fat retention is a major cause of these little devils. Sadly, most people have unhealthy eating habits. They tend to go through their days eating unhealthy food and snacks.

One other thing that might seem like a cause of love handles is the lack of enough sleep. Adequate rest helps alleviate stress. But when you are stressed and too busy all the time, it can be nearly impossible to make healthy food choices. Develop a better time management plan that can help you manage stress and get enough sleep because high levels of stress contribute to weight gain, hence love handles.

The other reason why a lot of people have love handles is age. As we grow older, we are increasingly at risk of developing love handles because we tend to engage in physical activities less. We need to be active in order to burn fat.  So if you want to keep love handles at bay, try and stay as physically active as your strength and health will allow.

Some health conditions can also cause love handles. One such condition is the underactive thyroid also known in medical terms as hypothyroidism. Health issues like these make it really difficult to burn extra calories because they tend to slow down your metabolism. So if you have tried everything to burn fat and it’s not going away, see your doctor. An undiagnosed and/or untreated health condition could be the underlying reason.

Three ways to deal with love handles

Now that you know what causes love handles, what are you going to do about them?

If only losing weight was that simple! Oh, the joy!!! Sadly, it is not. However, you should bear in mind that the habits and activities you might be engaging in could be doing more harm than good to your weight loss efforts. You need to make a conscious decision to follow the recommendations given because some of them will require you to forfeit most of the pleasures you would normally indulge in.

When thinking of how to get rid of love handles women try a lot of things, and many of these are just not advisable. In this section, we explore ways of getting rid of love handles especially for women who want to get back in shape again.

Stop binge eating and change your diet

What foods cause love handles? As a result of work, you may find yourself in need of an occasional snack to get by. Unfortunately, snacking is a common cause of love handles as this habit contributes gaining some extra pounds you do not want. Get rid of the cakes, fries, chocolate and stick to a healthy diet. This will go a long way in getting rid of your love handles.

Include more lean proteins (beans, nuts, fish, among others)  in every meal. These help to balance your blood sugar. Stay off foods that are high in calories, fats, and carbs in order to reduce the accumulation of fat around your waistline. Energy drinks and sodas are not exempted from this as they are high in calories and will only contribute to making your love handles bigger.

Balance your insulin and cortisol hormones

It may sound off but your hormones have a great deal of influence on where fat is stored and retained, irrespective of gender. Love handles thrive on two major hormones; insulin (chemical hormone) and cortisol (best known as stress hormone).

Insulin is the hormone that gives way for sugar to enter the cells for production of energy. When high content of sugar is consumed, the body ultimately stores it as fat.

While it is easier said than done, you need to keep your stress levels at an absolute minimum and eliminate sugar completely from your diet. When your insulin levels are low, weight loss happens.

Reduce your alcohol intake

I can understand the once-in-a-while craving for alcohol to help you relax. However, if it becomes a consistent go-to stress reliever, then there is a problem. Alcohol contains a lot of calories. Two glasses of wine every day can make you gain two pounds in a month!

Opt for exercise as the ultimate stress reliever. Take walks, go swimming and do activities or cycle your stress away instead of relying on alcohol. Studies have proven that heavy drinkers tend to have a wider waist circumference compared to occasional drinkers.

Combine the above recommendations with exercise. Exercise is still the best way to reduce love handles. Do a combination of cardio workouts and weightlifting exercises such as bicycle crunches, side planks, mountain climbing… These are far healthier alternatives than downing the booze.

Much as love handles themselves may seem harmless, the accumulation of fat is a recipe for more serious health risks such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, among other diseases. Love your body and take care of it.

When you exercise right (the right combination of cardio and muscle building exercises), eat healthily and reduce your alcohol intake, you will get start seeing positive results, no matter how little. Always remember to reward yourself for any improvement no matter how little. If getting rid of love handles was so easy, every woman in the world would be a swimsuit model! So stop being too hard on yourself.

Follow the link and read about the common weight loss mistakes that are making you not reach your desired weight.





The post Discover What Causes Love Handles And Three Ways To Deal With It! appeared first on Love is all colors.
